Tuesday, June 12, 2012

WHOA!!! Where the he** have you been?!?!?!!?

omg this is cray-cray! I have been MIA since week 33 in my pregnancy. I officially suck at blogging. I honestly think I have ADD. NO JOKE. My mind jumps from one thing to the next constantly so all day I am trying to do 7 things at once and never finishing one. Or maybe I have just lost my mind and have no clue how to be organized.

Okay so ya want me to catch you up real quick on life? Too bad I am going to anyways.

Here we are at 34 weeks! Yay still no stretch marks :)

35 weeks and our name reveal!!!!

 36 weeks nothing special just my bump and my awesome-oh so sexy- Hannah Montana  pants

 Skip 37 weeks I will post a link of my Maternity Photos
and last picture week 38

 Now we are all caught up there.

Summary of the last weeks of pregnancy:

I must say when people tell you the last few weeks take the longest, THEY DO! OMGosh! By week 36 I was ready, done, completely OVER IT! We had a few "I think its time"'s  but no baby. During week 37 I started contracting irregularly and kept contracting through week 38. STILL NO BABY :(  By week 39 the contractions were more intense but not regular enough to admit. (oh yea this week I pee'd my pants A LOT...just thought I'd share that with you ) I had a membrane sweep/strip done at my appt on May 17th at 3:00pm. After I left I felt cramping nothing too painful. Went home threw on some running clothes, grabbed a dog, and walked/ran for about an hour. By 5pm I decided to really pack my hospital bags. And by 5:30pm I was feeling the contractions....well not really I felt a dull annoying pain. PS- I was 3cm dilated at the appt. Around 6:00 I left for the hospital..........

OKAY I have to for now :) see you soon!

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